July 3rd, 2010
2010 California State Summer School For The Arts InnerSpark Program
After auditioning in front of a screening panel of qualified musicians and instructors, J'Vaughn was selected to participate in the "California state summer School for the Arts InnerSpark Program." The summer session was held on the campus at "California Institute of the Arts" in Valencia California. The California state summer school for the Arts is the result of unique public and private sector planning and support. now embarking on its twenty-fourth summer of operation the school has trained more than eleven thousand highly talented students.
While attending the "InnerSpark" program J'Vaughn was able to study new musical sounds, cultures, styles, and genres from all over the world. Such as African drum rhythms & dance, as well as the Indonesian music known as Bali. There was also a great emphasis on musical theory, Aesthetics, musical expression, & musical performance. 3 weeks into the program J'vaughn was asked about the program and to give his own personal critique. "Innerspark is great! Even with me being exhausted from going constantly and learning non stop since I arrived 3 weeks ago, I really do feel like a better musician. A more intelligent musician. I have been exposed to a much larger musical world and if I could, I would do this all over again. I am really enjoying myself. I appreciate the people at InnerSpark who selected me. What an experience!"
2010 California State Summer School For The Arts InnerSpark Program
After auditioning in front of a screening panel of qualified musicians and instructors, J'Vaughn was selected to participate in the "California state summer School for the Arts InnerSpark Program." The summer session was held on the campus at "California Institute of the Arts" in Valencia California. The California state summer school for the Arts is the result of unique public and private sector planning and support. now embarking on its twenty-fourth summer of operation the school has trained more than eleven thousand highly talented students.
While attending the "InnerSpark" program J'Vaughn was able to study new musical sounds, cultures, styles, and genres from all over the world. Such as African drum rhythms & dance, as well as the Indonesian music known as Bali. There was also a great emphasis on musical theory, Aesthetics, musical expression, & musical performance. 3 weeks into the program J'vaughn was asked about the program and to give his own personal critique. "Innerspark is great! Even with me being exhausted from going constantly and learning non stop since I arrived 3 weeks ago, I really do feel like a better musician. A more intelligent musician. I have been exposed to a much larger musical world and if I could, I would do this all over again. I am really enjoying myself. I appreciate the people at InnerSpark who selected me. What an experience!"